Lockton Affinity, LLC, Author at Dickey's Barbecue - Page 2 of 5

About Lockton Affinity, LLC

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So far Lockton Affinity, LLC has created 42 blog entries.

Why Business Insurance Rates Vary from Insurance Provider to Insurance Provider

Business insurance may seem cut and dry, so why the variance in rates from provider to provider? There are many factors that contribute to insurance rates, including coverage and limit options, claim frequency and more. Factors that Cause Business Insurance Rates to Vary Insurance policies and their rates vary from company to company. While you [...]

Lockton Affinity’s Dickey’s Franchisee Insurance Program Benefits

The insurance market is saturated with partners looking to provide workers’ compensation, property, general liability, employment practices liability and several more types of insurance. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to find a trustworthy, dedicated insurance partner that meets your franchise’s needs affordably. Read on to learn how Lockton Affinity worked directly [...]

Preventing and Preparing for Workplace Injuries

Even the safest organization will experience a workplace injury from time to time. Whether it’s a minor paper cut or a more serious cut requiring stitches, your business should have a prevention and reaction plan in place for injuries. Preventing Workplace Injuries — Implementing an Injury Prevention Program An injury prevention program is a proactive [...]

By | January 23rd, 2023|Risk management, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Preventing Customer Injuries: Reducing Slip and Trip Hazards

One of the greatest risks of injury to customers at your business is slip and trip hazards. And these risks are not just a hazard to your customers—traditionally, these incidents make up a large percentage of claims against franchise organizations. A simple internet search of “slip claim restaurant” pulls up dozens of law firms eager [...]

By | November 18th, 2022|Risk management|0 Comments

How to Improve Cyber Security in Just One Month

Cyber security is important all year long, but for a busy business like yours, it may be hard to focus on. Perhaps you worry it will take too much time or money, or feel a topic like cyber security is best left to the experts. But as it turns out, taking control of your cyber [...]

By | October 13th, 2022|Franchise safety, Risk management|0 Comments

Implementing a Severe Weather Plan for Small Businesses

Whatever part of the country your business is in, severe weather can impact your operations throughout the year. Consider these statistics on severe weather from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): About 1,200 tornadoes hit the U.S. each year. 100,000 thunderstorms occur each year in the U.S. and 10% reach severe levels. Damaging winds [...]

By | July 15th, 2022|Franchise safety, Risk management|0 Comments

The Importance of HVAC Maintenance

As the summer heat wave begins, it’s a good time to consider your business’s HVAC system and its maintenance. Well-maintained HVAC equipment can reduce energy loss and save your business money on operating costs. It also helps keep your business safe and pleasant: The correct temperature provides a comfortable experience for guests and employees. Air [...]

By | June 28th, 2022|Franchise safety, Risk management|0 Comments

Cyber Liability Insurance for Franchises

Over the last few years, franchises have become a favorite target of cyber criminals. Hackers have stolen password credentials, franchise business records and customer credit card data from some of the biggest names in the industry. The consequences of a hack are serious. Consider these recent statistics: The average cost of a data breach for [...]

By | May 23rd, 2022|Franchise safety, Risk management|0 Comments

The Journey of Your Insurance Policy

Understanding the inner workings of how an insurance policy is written and managed can be helpful whether you're shopping for new insurance or already have coverage in place. In this blog, we'll walk you through the process your Lockton Affinity policy goes through to give you an idea of what to expect. From the moment [...]

By | April 27th, 2022|Insurance information, Insurance tips|0 Comments

The Anatomy of EPLI for Franchises

Employment practices liability insurance protects your business from common claims and lawsuits brought by your employees. The number of lawsuits in the industry is rising and the cost to defend yourself against a claim can be substantial. Now more than ever it’s important to make sure your business is protected. Even though employment practices liability [...]